Alina Carp (Romania) - Designer
Brooch, silver, brass, steel, resin, glass beads.
Romanian (English below)
Alina Carp a fost atrasa inca din copilarie de domeniul artistic, incepand sa creeze primele obiecte si podoabe pentru mama ei. Desi a studiat medicina, pasiunea pentru pictura si creatie a ramas vie, asa ca a deschis la Bucuresti, in 2005, o prima expozitie personala, cu obiecte decorative si bijuterii, eveniment urmat, de-a lungul anilor, de alte expozitii personale sau de grup, de pictura sau bijuterii.
Alina Carp has been attracted since childhood by the artistic field, that’s when she started to create the first objects and adornments for her mother. Although she studied medicine, her passion for painting and art creation remained alive, so she opened in Bucharest, in 2005, a first personal exhibition, with decorative objects and jewels. This event was followed, over the years, by other personal or group exhibitions, which had on display either paintings or jewelry.
Necklace, steel, brass, glass beads, acrylic pearls, silver.