Alis Lalu (Romania) - Designer
Ring, gold, pearl.
Romanian (English below)
Fiecare piesa creata de mine este unica si are propria ei poveste. Totul este lucrat manual, fiecare particica din fiecare piesa e procesata separat, pentru ca apoi, prin sudare si nituire, sa devina un intreg. Imi doresc ca piesele mele sa fie purtate de cei ce vad in bijuterii nu doar un accesoriu, ci mai degraba o modalitate de a se exprima.
Every piece that I create is unique and has its own story. They are all manufactured, each part of every piece is processed separately and then combined with the other parts, as a whole, by soldering and riveting. I wish that my pieces be worn by those who see in jewelry more than an accessory, but rather a way of expressing themselves.
Necklace, silver, pigment.
Ring, silver, pigment.
Ring, silver, emerald.
Necklace, silver, textile.