Ana Margarida Carvalho (Portugal) - Designer (Artistar Jewels Awards)
InParadisum necklace, titanium
Ana Margarida Carvalho, studied Jewelry at Ar.Co (Lisbon, Portugal). where she also did a project in 2008 mentored by Leonor Hipólito with a “MC Arquitectos” grant, and at Hiko Mizuno College of Jewellery. She won the 1st prize in “IV Portojóia Design 2006” and the “Assamblage Award” in Artistar Jewelry 2019. Since 2005 she exhibits in Portugal, Morocco, Sweden, the Netherlands, Japan, China, Belgium, Italy, Greece and the United States. As of 2016, she also teaches in Ar.Co. Her work can be seen in several publications and private collections, in Portugal and abroad.
In Paradisum - Titanium and stainless steel brooch
In Paradisum - Titanium and stainless steel brooch
In Paradisum - Titanium and stainless steel brooch
In Paradisum | 2018 – Having Baroque Music as a starting point, each piece is the result of repeating and combining the same type of titanium element. These folded unites are organized, like in origami, to create organic forms in which the geometry of the compositions is hidden when the metal is forged. The organic aspect of the pieces is also reinforced by the marks left by the hammer, by the mobility of the nonwelded elements that compose them and finally by the anodized colour of each piece.
In Paradisum - Titanium and stainless steel brooch