Antonio Dumitrescu (Romania) - Designer
Earrings, silver.
Romanian (English below)
Sunt absolvent si masterand al Universitatii Nationale de Arte, Facultatea de Arte Decorative si Design, specializarea Metal. Am inceput sa-mi expun public creatiile in Romania si in strainatate, din 2015. Apoi, in 2018, dupa ce am finalizat cursurile scolii Assamblage, mi-a venit ideea sa adaug design-ul de bijuterii in portofoliul meu de activitati independente. Incerc sa construiesc in argint si bronz, la o scara mult mai mica, formele si volumele, pe care mi le imaginez in lucrarile mele din metal.
I am a graduate and a M.A. of UNArte National University of Arts, the Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design, specialized in Metalwork and I began to exhibit my creations publicly, in Romania and abroad, since 2015. In 2018, after completing courses at Assamblage, I started to think about adding jewelry design to my independent working activity. I try to build into silver and bronze, at a much smaller scale, the shapes and volumes I imagine in my smiting projects.
Brooch, silver, bronze.
RIng, bronze, silver, cubic zirconia.
Brooch, silver.
Bracelet, silver, cubic zirconia.