Bizar Concept (Romania) - Designer
Necklace, silver, gold.
Romanian (English below)
Privind in urma, tot ceea ce am facut pana la cursurile Scolii de Bijuterie Contemporana Assamblage au fost cautari de sens. M-am apucat sa mesteresc bijuterii intr-o perioada foarte monotona a vietii mele, in care nu ma mai regaseam si nu mai gaseam bucurie in nimic. Aveam nevoie de o activitate creativa de deconectare si crearea bijuteriilor mi s-a descoperit ca singurul mod in care ma simteam cu adevarat bine. De altfel, acest proces al lucrului cu gandul si cu mana, care transforma o idee intr-un obiect, este singurul al carui sens pot sa il inteleg.
Looking back, everything I did before attending the Assamblage School of Contemporary Jewelry courses, were but quests for meaning. I started making jewelry in a very monotonous period of my life, when I was no longer finding my bearings and exhilaration whatsoever. I was in need of a creative offline activity and jewelry-making came to light as the only way that made me feel really good. In fact, this process of thought and hand-working, i.e. converting an idea into an object, is the only one that makes sense to me.
Earrings, silver, gold, aquamarine.
Necklace, silver, gold.
Earrings, silver, gold.
Earrings, silver, enamel.