Fabiana Fusco (Italy) - Designer (Artistar Milano Awards)

Fabiana Fusco - Fear of the other brooch - 925 silver, epoxy resin, mirrors

Fabiana Fusco - Fear of the other brooch - 925 silver, epoxy resin, mirrors


After having earned a degree in Art History with a final dissertation on the Greek Goldsmith, the artist attended Salvatore Gerardi’s Goldsmith School and at the same time a renowned silverware workshop in Rome. In 2002, she started her workshop. She prefers the lost wax microsculpture that allows her to “stage” emotions, memories and passions in the form of small wearable stories. Jewelry is an expressive means that can be combined with all the art forms.


Facebook: Fabiana Fusco gioielli d’artista

Instagram: fabiana_fusco_gioiellidartista

Fabiana Fusco - Human Ring

Fabiana Fusco - Human Ring

Fabiana Fusco - Me in the mirror brooch

Fabiana Fusco - Me in the mirror brooch

Fabiana Fusco - walking on the death necklace

Fabiana Fusco - walking on the death necklace

Assamblage Association