Gabriela Ramirez Michel (Mexico) - Designer

Earrings, blue cornflour, nacre, opal, gold.

Earrings, blue cornflour, nacre, opal, gold.

Romanian (English below)

Sunt interesata de faptul ca sculptura n-are un limbaj verbal, e mai presus de limite, mai presus de intelegere. Desertaciunea pieselor mele nu este lipsita de sens, este energie pura.

I am interested in the fact that sculpture has a no verbal language, beyond limits, beyond meanings, the emptiness in my pieces is not a thing, it is an energy.

Ring, bronze, natural petals, beeswax.

Ring, bronze, natural petals, beeswax.

Clay, wax, crystals, shells.

Clay, wax, crystals, shells.

Ring, gold, fire opal.

Ring, gold, fire opal.

Draft wood, opal, gold and bronze.

Draft wood, opal, gold and bronze.