Lore Mateiuc (Romania) - Designer
Ring, silver, wood.
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Romanian (English below)
Prin creatiile mele imi transpun experientele, subtilitatile si viziunea visatoare in forme si structuri. Imi place sa nascocesc, sa experimentez in general cu materiale diverse, conventionale sau nu, metale pretioase, diverse elemente din natura, lemn, piele, hartie. De cele mai multe ori natura ma inspira si de aceea am recunoastinta pentru lucrurile care au caracter etic, ecologic, spre reciclare. Iubesc acuratetea si detaliile, armonia si efervescenta. Sustin o anumita inlaturare a uniformitatii din bijuterie.
Through my creations I translate my experiences, subtleties and dreamy vision into forms and structures. I like to discover, in general to experiment with different materials, unconventional or conventional, precious metals, various elements of nature, wood, leather, paper. Most of the time nature is what inspires me and that is why I am grateful for the things that are ethical, environmentally friendly, for recycling. Accuracy and detail, harmony and effervescence are things I love. I favor a certain removal of uniformity from jewelry.
Pendant, silver, wood.
Pendant, silver, wood.
Ring, silver, wood.
Ring, silver, wood.