Mihaela Grama - Designer
Romanian (English below)
Am admirat si am adunat mereu forma, culoarea si textura, in special cea organica. Din 2009 am inceput sa concep primele piese dedicate altor oameni. De atunci caut sa invat mereu noi tehnici si metode de a transforma exteriorul in forma gandurilor mele. Florile, forma, culoarea si textura sunt o constanta. Am adaugat incet elemente noi precum hartia, rasina, sculele si argintul.
I always admired shapes, colour and texture, especially the organic type. In 2009 I started to design the first pieces dedicated to other people. Since then, I tried to constantly learn new techniques and ways to transform the world outside after the patterns in my thoughts. The flowers, the plants, the shapes, the colour and texture are constants in my life. I slowly added new elements like paper, resin, tools and silver.