Miruna Belicovici (Romania) - Designer

Ring, brass.

Ring, brass.

Romanian (English below)

Pasiunea mea pentru a crea bijuterii a venit pe neasteptate, asa cum vine si dragostea adevarata. Parca, dintr-o data, dupa o viata plina de cuvinte educate, am invatat, in sfarsit, sa vorbesc. Fara hotare, fara preconceptii, doar puritatea conceptului, articulata meticulos in fiecare bijuterie. E ca si cum ai transpune in fiecare bijuterie frumusetea cuvantului simtit, profunzimea unui concept sau, mai simplu spus, bucuria de a te juca cu metalul.

My passion for jewelry making begun unexpectedly, as any true love would. It was like all of a sudden, after a life long full of educated words, I finally learned to talk. No boundaries, no misconceptions, just the purity of the concept, articulated meticulously in each piece of jewelry. It is like transposing the beauty of the felt word, the depth of a concept or merely the joy of playing with metal, in each jewel.

Brooch, silver.

Brooch, silver.

Ring, silver, gold.

Ring, silver, gold.

Ring, copper, brass.

Ring, copper, brass.

Ring, silver.

Ring, silver.