Ramona Popescu (Romania) - Designer

Earrings, silver, enameled copper.

Earrings, silver, enameled copper.

Romanian (English below)

Natura, ca principala sursa de inspiratie a majoritatii pieselor lucrate, ofera o varietate infinita de forme, de la unele fluide, vaporoase, pana la unele rigide, cu muchii si colturi. Primavara ofera o multitudine de surse de inspiratie prin faptul ca in acest anotimp natura isi dezvaluie unele din cele mai spectaculoase forme si culori, atat in lumea vegetala cat si in cea a insectelor.

Nature, as main source of inspiration of all the pieces, offers a wide variety of shapes, from fluid ones to rigid, straight ones. Spring, out of all seasons, provides a variety of colors and shapes both in the vegetal world and in the world of insects.

Ring, silver.

Ring, silver.

Brooch, silver, enameled copper.

Brooch, silver, enameled copper.

Bracelet, silver, enameled copper.

Bracelet, silver, enameled copper.

Earrings, silver.

Earrings, silver.