Sara Zaghetto (Italy) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
Fiecare obiect e o poveste furata. Mereu e despre a fura si a returna; mereu e despre cotofene, hoti si povestitori. Fiecare licarire se transforma intr-o poveste si exista o urgenta sa pui laolalta fiecare piesa, care urla sa fie peticita, ingrijita, reunita. Obiectele canta, isi amintesc vise, memorii si locuri; toate se nasc prin descoperirea lucrurilor marunte, care ne arata o alta realitate, cum ar fi revelatia despre singuratatea paienjenilor, ce se ascund in cuiburi de viespi abandonate sau reactia chimica de oxidare, care devoreaza suprafata metalului, strat dupa strat.
Every object is a stolen tale. Somehow, it’s always about stealing and refunding; it’s always about magpies, thieves and storytellers. Every glow turns into a story, with an urgency to put together every piece, crying out for patching, mending, reuniting. Objects sing, recount of dreams, memories and places; they are all born from the discovery of the small things that reveal another reality, like the revelation on spiders’ solitude that hide in the abandoned wasps nests, or the chemical reactions of oxidation that devours and dust metal’s surface, layer after layer, things on things after things untold.