Silvia Cruceru (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
Pentru mine bijuteria nu se poarta, ci te poarta (in lumea ei).
Ea nu este doar un accesoriu de potentat un context vestimentar, ci e semn, e purtatoare de discurs propriu si creatoare de relatii neasteptate intre o idee care-si gaseste o forma noua de expresie si o forma care se articuleaza inedit prin juxtapunere de materii (argint, alama, dar si materiale precare intalnite accidental - bucati de lemn, hartie etc). Bijuteria devine colaj neconventional, metamorfoza a rosturilor initiale ale materialelor, dar si a purtatoarei, care intra in relatie cu ea.
For me, a piece of jewelry is not worn. You wear it to let yourself be carried into its world.
It is more than just an accessory which enhances a fashion context. It is a sign with its own message, creating unexpected relationships between an idea which has just discovered new means of expression and a shape, uniquely articulated by the juxtaposition of materials (silver, brass but also precarious materials encountered accidentally - pieces of wood, paper, etc). The jewelry becomes an unconventional collage, a metamorphosis of the initial purpose of the materials and also of the bearer which is in touch with it.