Teodora Bota (Romania) - Designer

Brooch, silver, black clay.

Brooch, silver, black clay.

Romanian (English below)

Teodora Bota se simte inspirata de zilele de vara toride, in care cauta necontenit un loc racoros, in care sa se retraga. Prin colectiile ei, a incercat sa transforme aceasta dorinta la nivel de bijuterie, prin combinarea a doua medii cu temperaturi situate la poli opusi, astfel incat a experimentat turnarea metalului topit intr-un mediu lichid si rece. In timpul impactului, argintul s-a mulat pe forma apei preluand noi structuri organice interesante.

Teodora Bota finds her inspiration during hot summer days, while she’s ceaselessly looking for a place to cool off. Throughout her collections, you can witness this desire unfold. In some of her works, she combined two mediums with temperatures sat at opposite poles, by pouring hot molting metal into a liquid and cold environment. During the impact, the silver took the shape of the surface of the water, gaining interesting, new, organic structures.

Brooch, silver, black clay.

Brooch, silver, black clay.

Necklace, silver, porcelain.

Necklace, silver, porcelain.

Ring, silver, porcelain.

Ring, silver, porcelain.