Alexandra Prelipcean (Romania)
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Architect by day, jewelry designer by night. I’m an architect by formation and a self-taught jewelry designer, with a passion for color, texture and fluid, organic shapes. In 2009 I began creating jewelry as a hobby, experimenting with various materials and later on participating in contests, exhibitions and trade shows. In jewelry making I found a refugee from my day job, as the only limit is my own imagination.
Highlights / Contests:
- 2020: Winner of Assamblage Award at Romanian Jewelry Week
- Local exhibition and jewelry trade shows
- Participation on local and international jewelry design contests
Collection Concept: A Story in White
After all the fears, the uncertainty… I felt the need to look for peace and calm, comfort and hope, less noise and less color. So I kept simplifying till I reached the purity of white. This collection tells stories about change and growth, about new beginnings, about the transmutation of Fear into Hope. I used the contrast between the humble yet incredible paper, next to gold foil and pearls, to symbolize the transmutation, the change that comes from within, when we realize the value of the simple things, when we find good in all the bad things that surround us.
I used white for it’s meaning of purity, innocence, wholeness and completion. As a symbol of new beginnings, it is the blank canvas waiting to be written upon. It offers an inner cleansing and purifying of thoughts, emotions and spirit, allowing us to put the past behind us and find the courage to move on.
White rescues us from the dark.
Brooch, paper, pearls, gold, brass, stainless steel
Brooch, paper, pearls, gold, brass, stainless steel
Brooch, paper, pearls, brass, stainless steel
Necklace, paper, gold, pearls