Alexandra Ungurelu (Romania)
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Alexandra (Ungurelu) Tauc is a graduate of the College of Communication and Public Relations - SNSPA. Over the years she developed an interest in colors and shapes which lead to attending drawing and painting courses. In 2011 she attended a series of courses and workshops at Assamblage Art and Design Institute and managed to bring her passion for jewelry to another level of craftsmanship.
Since the beginning of her journey in jewelry making, she has attended several events and contemporary jewelry exhibitions, with both national and international exposure. For the past 3 years you can find her working and presenting her jewelry creations in a workshop placed in the heart of Bucharest.
As designer and creator, she has transformed her passion and need to work with shapes and colors in the only way to exist. Her jewelry has become the outcome of a prolonged experiment and it continues to be a challenge that she accepts and concludes in precious metal. The attention to detail is one of the first characteristics of her work, followed by the transposition of everyday influences, be it the city architecture or the textures found in nature, the resulting geometry is important and clear in every piece of jewelry. The creative process transmits emotion as well as a message, every piece created is one meant to represent more than the joining of metal and gemstones, it is a symbol, made to travel both time and space. Jewelry is Alexandra’s way of expressing herself, the way she sees the world. Most times expressing femininity, other times being more geometric, it provokes a dialogue, it incites and creates emotion.
Alexandra Ungurelu Jewelry: Conceptual, contemporary pieces, expressing a reinterpretation of the surrounding shapes present in nature, reimagining apparently common day to day objects and revealing a form of asymmetric geometry. Jewelry as a prolonged experiment while trying to immortalize all that surrounds us in the world.
Collection Concept: Segments
This collection was inspired by the architecture of cities, by the way we are all connected through this space and community, every day and with every experience. “Segments” is about each individuals’ uniqueness. The fact that we are all so different visually and yet so alike intrinsically, we are all “star dust”, same matter, same atoms just arranged differently.
Most of my collections show this idea of repetitiveness, but in none of them have I illustrated this aspect as much as in this collection. It is something so natural, we are born with a need and attraction of patterns. These so-called patterns fascinate us, they give us meaning and many times even the feeling of safety, that things are as they should be.
For this collection I preferred working with silver and gold to create the shapes that make up a piece of jewelry.
Earrings, silver
Earrings, silver
Necklace and bracelet, silver
Necklace, silver