Mi-Sook Hur (South Korea/USA) - Plus One Collective
Mi-Sook Hur is an award-winning enamelist and metalsmith who is a professor in the School of Art and Design at East Carolina University. Her work focuses on the realistic images inspired by nature and she explores the modern studies of Limoges enamels. She received a BFA in Metalwork and Jewelry from Seoul National University in Korea and an MFA in Metals from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hur has exhibited nationally and internationally. Highlights include at LOOT in the Museum Arts and Design, SOFA (Sculpture Objects Functional Art + Design) in Chicago, Tong-In Gallery in Korea, Itami Museum of Arts and Crafts in Japan, and VicenzaOro II in Italy. Her work has been featured in The Art of Enameling: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration, 500 Enameled, Nouvel Object V, and Metalsmith. Additionally, she has received awards including the Prize Awards from The Enamelist Society, the Niche Awards, the Purchase Award from Arkansas Arts Center, and the European Design-an Asian Renaissance Evoked in Gold Award from the World Gold Council. Her work is included in the collections of the Enamel Arts Foundation, Racine Art Museum, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sunny & Gloria Kamm, and Arkansas Arts Center. She is a former artist-in-residence at John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, and Jentel Foundation. She has taught workshops at the Penland School of Crafts, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, the Newark Museum, Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft, EGNE (The Enamel Guild North East), and Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the Penland School of Crafts. Most recently, she wrote a chapter about her painterly techniques in The Art of Fine Enameling by Karen Cohen.
Vitreous enamel on copper, sterling silver, stainless steel pin
Vitreous enamel on copper, sterling silver, stainless steel pin