Oana Cocea (Romania)
Initially a scenographer, I have explored several areas of artistic creation during my life. In recent years I have branched out into jewellery making and have perfected my skills by attending the Institut Assamblage, thus discovering an exciting technical alternative which allows me to tell a story with new means and with the advantage of being able to establish a direct dialogue with the person who has chosen to wear this creation.
Collection Concept: The Cabinet of Curiosities
The paradox of a bat virus having succeeded in destabilizing an ultra technologized world, led me to explore the concept of the Cabinet of curiosities, these scenography collections, dedicated to science and nature but also to the strange and to myths and spooky creatures. Man seeking to dominate Nature, was already trying to break its rules. The Cabinet of curiosities assembles, superimposes, contradicts, invites us to surprise!
Brooch, copper
Earcuff, copper
Brooch, copper