Natalia Cellini (Italy)
I was born in Grosseto (Italy) in 1971. After graduating I attended a private school of decorative arts in Rome and in 1999 I opened my own art studio where I still work. Through my artistic research on materials I approached the world of jewelry, guided by a fascination for the matter which is present in all my works.I attended a workshop at a Tuscan goldsmith shop to learn the main processing techniques and other courses on applied goldsmithing techniques.
Collection Concept:
Every time I deal with the subject of my work, the places that are my “prehistory” come back to visit me almost as if the stratifications of the rocks corresponded to my emotional geology. Going backwards to my origins and their history I got to the prehistory of humanity. The name of my latest collection, NERJA, refers to the Neanderthalian site in southern Spain where the first ornaments in the history of mankind were found. There is where it all began.
Necklace, slate, raw green aventurine and elastic black rope
Necklace, slate, white onix and elastic black rope
Necklace, slate, celestite stone and elastic black rope
Necklace, slate and elastic black rope