Titus Razvan Popa (Romania)
With more than 20 exhibitions in Romania and abroad, Titus Razvan Popa, combines in a new way materials that at first glance are difficult to combine, especially ceramic with metal. The works, inspired by old cultures, brought to modernity, are approached with classical techniques, be it jewelery, ceramics or metal.
The goal of learning the techniques is for him, that of reaching naturalness, without noticing the effort of making, and his work appears to you as if it had always existed.Titus Razvan Popa, graduated from the National University of Arts in Bucharest, the ceramics section and he has a master degree in metal sculpture.
He is a member of the Union of Plastic Artists in Romania.
Collection Concept: FOUNTAIN PEN
Many of the objects in the everyday sphere have a long history, which over time leaves an imprint on our personality. One of them is the fountain pen, which, being discovered in the first millennium AD, did not undergo significant functional changes, but was given the rank of the most sophisticated writing instrument. A pen will always speak about your personality and status. Bringing together a series of techniques and materials: ceramics, metal, precious stones, each pen will become a jewel that will bury my thoughts and knowledge, but which will express refinement and elegance at the same time.
Fountain pen, ceramic, wood, Cr-Co, Faber Castel nib
Fountain pen, Limoges painted porcelain, brass
Fountain pen, ceramic, gold luster, brass
Fountain pen, Raku ceramic, steel, cubic Zirconia