Arijana Gadžijev - Slovenian Jewelry Week
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Designer biography:
Arijana Gadžijev, M. A., is a textile designer and artist from Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is employed as an assistant at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphics Arts and Design. She works both independently and in collaboration with other designers and artists, taking part in solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad.
Since 2019 her main artistic medium is expressed through printed textile jewelry for body and home. In 2021 she received the BIGSEE International Product Design Award 2021 for the printed textile jewelry Slovanka. Her textile jewelry collections were exhibited at Textile Art Biennial BIEN 2021, Blickfang Wien 2021 at MAK –Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna, Slovenian Jewelry Week 2022, Milano Jewelry Week 2022, international traveling exhibition “On the move, jewels” in Enschede and Madrid. Her work was featured in Arte Y Joya Contemporary Jewellery Yearbook 2021/22 and 22/23. She is a member of Klimt02.
In her work she combines both manual and digital design techniques and likes to explore how the pattern works on a particular textile form, how it moves around a particular 3D object, how it fits into the seam and how it can visually change the image of the form. Coming from a textile design background, she thinks of jewelry as something soft and light. She also likes the idea of a product being versatile: as a necklace with a pendant, other times as a brooch, and sometimes as a wall decoration.
Collection concept:
Printed textile jewelry for body and home Slovanka (eng. Slavic woman) is inspired by Slavic folk art, its floral patterns and motifs. While researching and admiring the plants used as typical folklore elements, I drew the patterns for printing and designed the shapes of jewelry.
As a textile designer I feel responsible to create small, sustainable and handmade collections like Slovanka. It is a “slow” collection, a tribute to art and craftsmanship, as each motif is first drawn by hand and later reworked on the computer, and in the final stage the fabric cuts are sewn by hand.
The patterns are carefully matched on the sides and edges, and the flat geometric shapes are printed on both sides so the piece can be worn on either side. The design consists of geometric shapes such as cubes, tetrahedrons, or hexagons, which are made as individual pieces that can be worn separately or strung together as a necklace or brooch. The pieces can be the same colour or different colour combinations.
Arijana Gadzijev, SLOVANKA, necklace, Sublimatic Print, autors, design wowen Fabric-metal Eylets, 2019