Huberto Široka - Slovenian Jewelry Week



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Designer biography:

From the beginning, in my workshop, the worlds of jewelry making, silversmithing, medalsmithing, replica making are intertwined ... So that in my workshop I am daily faced with sculpting, silversmithing, enameling, engraving, casting, modelling, workshop ... I can only say for a fact that I live in a fairy tale world where everything is possible. All these fairy tales can be seen in my workshop in Bled, Cesta svobode 19.

Collection concept:




The petals are said to symbolically represent pollinators (bees). Connected to form a flower. The leaves have the form of a DNA record, a double helix, which carries and represents the code of life. This means that all living beings have a common origin - WE ARE ALL ONE.

The circle illustrated by the flower symbolizes the earth, inanimate nature. At the same time, the circle represents the connection between living and non-living nature.

So only by living together and respecting living and non-living nature will we be able to see TOMORROW together.

Assamblage Association