Lauriane Sémat (France)



Website - Instagram

Designer biography:

Lauriane Sémat began her career as a visual artist. In different forms and with the help of various mediums, she continues to appropriate the body, especially female, by dealing with the issues of her time. In 2012, she decided to work on the body, no longer "directly" but by adorning it. The work of the material imposes itself on her in an imperious way.

Wishing to create "small sculptures to wear", she will spend more than a year looking for the material with which she will be free to create the pieces that have darkened her sketchbooks for several months. Three years later, satisfied with her research, she launches herself into the eyes of the general public with this fierce desire to erase the border between art and craftsmanship.

Collection concept:

Here, I want to propose small sculptures to wear. Brooches resembling vodoo masks, earrings resembling mobiles, rings resembling constellations of colored stars. all the pieces created are nourished by the daily beauties that we come across everywhere: in architecture, art, nature, people...

Assamblage Association