MellonCollie Ceramics (Romania)
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Designer biography:
Born in Alba Iulia,lives and works in Bucharest.
Graduated UAB, Bucharest in 2003.
She worked as a painter at Tandarica Theatre.
In 2012 she founded her brand, Melloncollie Ceramics.
EXHIBITIONS 2022 - Mostra della Ceramica, Castelamonte, Italy
2007 - Trecere pe trecere, Simeza, Bucharest
2006 - 4Art, Art Gellery, Alba Iulia
2005 - Group Expo, Couburg, SUA
2005 - Forma ca simbol, Unagaleria, Bucharest
Collection concept:
Stories of a Forgotten World
Miniature eye jewelry known as Lover's Eye was in fashion for about half a century. Most such jewelry was ordered to be given as a gift, symbolizing love and fidelity to the loved one. They were very precious and intimate jewelry, the eyes being painted on pieces of ivory the size of the little finger nail, for example. Over time they became more complex, decorated with precious stones, pearls, gold.
As objects, Lover's Eyes are fascinating, mysterious. And strange. Half portrait, half jewel, they cannot be easily placed in a category. I imagined a collection of such earie object-jewels, a collection of pieces that give a glimpse of the story it holds inside.
melloncollie ceramics, pure neckalce, 2023, porcelain, crystal, coloidal gold
melloncollie ceramics, black dot necklace, 2023, porcelain, coloidal gold
melloncollie ceramics, peace necklace, 2023, porcelain, glass