Olga Chernyshova (UK)
Designer biography:
Olga Chernyshova was born in Minsk, Belarus .
Raised in Minsk , Olga began her way from art school in 1992.
In 2004 she was studied at Minsk State Gymnasium -College of Arts ( Specialization : Decorative and Applied arts). In 2014 Olga was graduated in Belarusian State Academy of Arts ( Specialization: Ceramics). Since 2010 Olga began to live in South Korea, which left a visible imprint on her creation in the choice of themes and forms of jewelry. Now she is based in London,UK. Olga is open about her being inspired mostly by nature and this heavy influence is clearly seen in a series of brooches and necklaces. She intentionally leaves colouristic beyond her main focus and consistently sticks solely to black-and- white to let them endlessly dialogue like Yin and Yang. Olga believes this emphatic minimalism niveleates possible distraction from the very pure form which has the highest value for the author.
Collection concept:
Quenching the thirst (Hope)
Finding yourself never ends and a reward happens only so often... Proverbial 'stepping out of the comfort zone' and 'exploring the world' might offer marginal temporary relief while internal dialogue keeps continuing and major answers are still to come. In the new series of works, an appeal to life in extreme heat as an existential symbol is revealed. Bewitched by the unmatched persistence of cactuses, the author accentuates their fascinating diversity. Need for adaptation in challenging conditions paired with the inner strive to growth manifests itself in a range of bizarre shapes. Deliberate ignoring of the bright colour component via adhering to black and white only used by the author helps to emphasize both purity of original forms and beauty of metamorphoses happening. It's like some indestructible hope for just a few live-giving raindrops makes a bright and scorching sun a little bit more tolerable, the plant lasts and slowly makes its way up to the sky...
'This is the end... Can you picture what will be?', doomily reasoned Jim Morrison in his iconic song back in late sixties. Indeed, echoes the author, but maybe there's still some hope left?..
Quenching the thirst (Hope)-Chernyshova Olga-Polymer clay
Quenching the thirst-Chernyshova Olga-polymer clay
Quenching the thirst-Chernyshova Olga-polymer clay