Semper Argentum (Romania)



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Designer biography:

I am Mihaela Ciocalteu, I am Semper Argentum, I am the wealth of my experiences, carved through both joys and tears.I am all the steps whose footprints left their mark, from which I learned, to a much or less extent.My connection with the act of jewelry Creation is deep, from other times, archaic times... It nourishes me and continually helps me discover myself, thus I am constantly learning love, tolerance, dedication and, pragmatically, it guides me to an inner order and discipline.

Collection concept:

Us and the Shells

Underworld, in the secluded and mysterious depths, the shells, sapient and silent, bring pearls into being.

Us, by learning silence and resilience, uncover our self consciousness.

Through marvel and contemplation of the shells, we can truly connect to our inner depths as if the shells are teaching us how to live freely and purely, what to long after in order to give free reign to our most intimate and real desires.Thus, I believe, we can discover joy and wisdom in every small and apparently insignificant thing, invisible to the ignorant eye.

Assamblage Association