Verba by Anna Fanigina (Latvia)
VERBA by Anna Fanigina
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Designer biography:
Anna Fanigina, jewelry designer, creator of Latvian jewelry brand VERBA.
She graduated from The University Of Latvia with B.Sc degree in mathematics and Riga Applied Art College as a metal designer. As a designer, Anna has participated in art exhibitions in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Finland, Germany, Italy. With her brand VERBA, she has been taking part in international messes in France, Germany, Japan and The Netherlands.
She is a prize winner of Latvian design contests, jewellery arts contest ‘’Fabergé’’ in Finland and ‘’Jewellery Olympus’’ in Russia, Saint Petersburg. As a part of Venice Design Week Anna received a special prize “Polo Museale del Veneto” from the National Archaeological Museum of Adria for continuation of antique traditions.
Anna’s design works are in the permanent collection of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design in Riga and in the Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum in Greece.
Anna Fanigina is an author of designs for Latvia’s centenary official state gifts, presented to diplomatic guests visiting Latvia.
Collection concept:
Collection CARPE DIEM (‘'seize the day’' in Latin) is a series of rings - birds. Each bird is designed as a figurative notebook and a beautiful reminder to see the value in every single moment of life as it is so ethereal. It’s an invitation to think about time and how we choose to spend it, about the opportunities we embrace and how they sometimes find us in the most unusual places. The notebook can also be seen as a diary that captures the stories and turns them into precious memories. The collection captures the birds that were observed through the designer's apartment window during the Covid lockdown in 2021.
Anna Fanigina, ring, sterling silver, carpediem, 2023
Anna Fanigina, ring, sterling silver, carpediem, 2023