Alice Elena Protopopescu (Romania)



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Designer biography:

Alice – Elena Protopopescu is a jewelry artist and graduate of Bucharest National University of Arts, Department Ceramic - Glass - Metal. Her work, inspired by a deep appreciation for nature's beauty, focuses on highlighting the lack of nature in urban areas and the destructive impact of development on natural environments. She believes jewelry is a powerful medium for conveying these ideas and uses her pieces to raise awareness. Initially working with metal, her curiosity led her to explore glass, resulting in a fascination with the unique effects of combining both materials. Through her art, she hopes to inspire others to care for the environment.

Collection concept:

Morphological Studies of Organic Mesh" is a jewelry collection inspired by the intricate patterns of Stinkhorn mushrooms and Clathrus ruber. This collection celebrates the beauty and environmental impact of these organisms, focusing on their unique morphological structures. Each piece meticulously translates these patterns into wearable art, using silver to symbolize purity and resilience. Glass accents add depth and translucence, reflecting the ethereal quality of stinkhorn mushrooms and creating a captivating play of light. The collection aims to highlight the essential role of stinkhorn mushrooms in nutrient cycling and soil health, often overshadowed by more striking flora and fauna. Through this collection, we hope to inspire a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of life that sustains us all.

Alice - Elena Protopopescu, Brooch, Ethereal Mesh Glass, 2024, sterlingsilver, glass

Alice - Elena Protopopescu, ring, Clathrus, 2024, sterlingsilver

Alice - Elena Protopopescu, ring, Ethereal Mesh Glass, 2024, sterlingsilver, glass

Alice - Elena Protopopescu, brooch, Clathrus, 2024, sterlingsilver

Assamblage Association