Anli Hou (UK/China)




Designer biography:

Anli is a Chinese jewelry designer. Her work is to share the ‘offline visual ID’ by wearing jewelry, and helps people to find shared interests and topics. She likes to combine comprehensive materials with metals to explore the possibilities of both. In 2021, she was the winner of The Contemporary Cutlers Design Competition and her works were permanently collected by the Cutlers company in London. Anli was invited to participate in the Milano Jewelry Week in Italy. Her work ‘Trace’ won the ARTISTAR JEWELS WORK AWARD and was exhibited at PALAZZO BOVARA palace. For those looking for an exclusive design, Anli offers a bespoke service and works closely with clients to create something special.

Collection concept:

Nowadays, people are faced with an overwhelming amount of information and need space to relax. A state of trance is a way I reduce this pressure. For me, trance is a kind of entertainment with the lowest cost. Holographic objects could save me from boredom anywhere and anytime. In such states of being, one can obtain many inspirations. In addition, for me candles are a source of security and warmth. I feel its light perfectly surrounds me, and I get a sense of belonging.I combined holographic surfaces and candles in an object to induce states of trance. The vivid colors and atmospheric effects will function to elevate and soothe the emotional state of those who experience it.

Anli, brooch, Trance, 2022, silver, pearl, plastic, 10x7x6.5cm

Anli, Ring, The Sea, 2022, silver, pearl, 9.5x7.5x5.3cm

Anli, brooch, The Sunset, 2022, silver, pearl, diamonds, 8.5x5x3cm

Anli, candlestick, Trance, 2022, silver, pearl, plastic, 12.5x5x6.5cm

Assamblage Association