Asimi Jewellery - Greece



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Designer biography:

Originally from the UK, I started making jewellery in Athens 30 years ago, then continued at London Guildhall University, followed by prolonged study periods in Africa. Since my return to rural Greece in 2004, my immersion in nature has infiltrated my work, incorporating natural materials within my silver and gold pieces. Recently I have followed a path into protest jewellery, in this case my feelings of despair about the bitter wars which are causing so much desperate and dangerous migration, particularly across the Mediterranean. I have exhibited extensively across Europe (including Rome and Milan Jewelry Weeks) and continue to work from my workshop in Southern Peloponnese.

Collection concept:

My collection “On war and displacement” is authenticated by the use of bullet cartridges and coins recovered from the sites of the many migrant shipwrecks here in Greece. As our world collapses into destruction and enforced migration, I chose to voice my anguish at what I am witnessing through jewelry. I have tried to create beauty and power from objects that are testament to the pain that weapons cause and the resulting desperate flight of their victims in search of refuge. These talismans ironically use the now empty cartridges as hidden vessels to carry mementos from a past life, while on the outside nature continues to flourish and give a sense of continuity beyond human generated chaos.

Asimi, reliquary (open), 2023, Silver, gold, purple sapphire, Turkish coin, copper, seed, shell, beetle exoskeleton, 3x2.5cm

Asimi, pendant necklace, 2024, brass bullet cartridge, copper, silver, pussy willow, 5.5x1.5x49.5cm

Asimi, ring (open), 2024, brass bullet cartridge, iron bolts, silver, Ethiopian coin, seed, garnet granules, 4.5x2.5cm x size 53

Asimi, necklace, 2023, brass cartridge bases, silver, gold, brown and purple diamonds, 7 x 49cm

Assamblage Association