Gabriel Farrugia (Malta)



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Designer biography:

Gabriel Farrugia was born in 1998 in Malta. Coming from a family background of jewellers and  he was always fascinated by the world of little precious things.

After completing a Degree in Sociology in Malta he went to study at the IED in Milan, specializing as a jewellery designer and maker. Farrugia was awarded a First Level Academic Diploma in 2023 thanks to his dissertation titled “In search for new perspectives.” The latest project Farrugia designed worked all in chasing & repousse on was the 4kg gold plated sterling silver crown for the coronation ceremony for the devotional statue of Our lady of Fatima in her new sanctuary in Guardamangia Malta in 2024.

Collection concept:

There was a time of re-birth in the art of human’s history called the Renaissance. Amongst a lot of great re-discoveries, perspective was re-born. Raffaello Sanzio, a master of this technique. He managed to transform what was flat into three-dimensionality, painting buildings he saw around him. Chasing and repousse, is  similar to painting perspective. The craftsman hammers the design and brings a flat sheet of metal into three-dimensionality.

 A relation between the past and present is brought together where the ancient technique of painting perspective is now married to the ancient technique of chasing and repousse, while depicting Milan’s contemporary buildings in jewellery.

Gabriel Farrugia, In Search for new perspective, SterlingSilver, Invented Perspective Brooch

Gabriel Farrugia, In Search for new perspective, SterlingSilver, Mudec Necklace

Gabriel Farrugia, In Search for new perspective, SterlingSilver, Towers in perspective brooch

Assamblage Association