Les Brucelles - Belgium


Les Brucelles asbl


Website - Facebook - Instagram

Les Brucelles asbl is a non-profit association established in 2021 to organize the Brussels Jewellery Week. The inaugural edition took place in the spring of 2022, followed by the second edition in 2024. Featuring major exhibitions such as "Particle(s)" at MAD; the "NoWaste" exhibition, upcycling discarded materials for the benefit of a social organization; "Be.Next" showcasing Belgian contemporary schools, and a Tour of Brussels galeries and workshops, the event has become the premier celebration of contemporary jewellery in Belgium.

The mission of Les Brucelles asbl is to organize international events and promote Belgian contemporary jewellery artists both locally and abroad. We are dedicated to making this unique form of expression more accessible and engaging to a wider audience.

This marks our second participation as an organization in the Romanian Jewellery Week. While all our members live, create, and work in Belgium, our guest Azin brings diverse perspectives from Iran. Coming from various backgrounds and nationalities, we share a common goal: to enjoy our work and inspire joy, interest, and curiosity in others.

Brigitte Raoult


Brigitte Raoult_brooch_orange&red 2_plexiglass

Brigitte Raoult_ring_google 3_plexiglass

Marta Dobrynina


Marta Dobrynina_2 brooches-pendants_vinyl, wood,silver

Sandra Kleimberg/Eska


Eska_Pendant_Intimacy 1_2023_acetate of cellulosis, silver, coton cord

Penny Peeters


Penny Peeters_Necklace_ παππού_Grand-père_cuir, fil nylon

 Azin Soltani


Azin Soltani Inside and Outside - Necklace No. 7 Year 2024 Measurement- 6.8 x 9.9 x 1.5 cm Material- Clay Bricks, Gypsum Plaster, Mirror, Leather thread, Silver

Azin Soltani_Inside and Outside - Brooch No. 11 Year 2024 Measurement_ 5.2 x 7 x 1.3 cm Material- Clay Bricks, Gypsum Plaster, Pigment, Acrylic painting color, Stainless steel and Silver

Every story typically has two sides: the sad and the happy, the real and the imagined, the internal and the external. As jewelers, how can we capture this eternal duality, make it uniquely ours, and still stay in step with the world around us?

Assamblage Association