Nadejda Policarpova (Republic of Moldova)
Designer biography:
Coming from a country with rich cultural and craftsmanship heritage, and having spent a huge part of my childhood at my grandmother’s, I got acquainted from an early age with various textile techniques almost every woman of my grandmother’s generation living in the Moldovan countryside used to known.
I draw my inspiration from natural forms and my heritage, using elements of Romanian point lace technique and other embroidery and crochet styles, that I combine in a unique personal way to create playful, decorative and delicate jewelry pieces. My aim is to preserve and promote traditional textile craftsmanship by rethinking and reinterpreting it in a fresh perspective in order to keep it contemporary and relevant.
Collection concept:
The collection titled "Secret Garden" refers to a place where ideas are conceived and gestated, where you reconnect to your roots in order to question who you are, reinvent yourself, create a distictive identity as a person and find your unique voice as an artist in the globalized world we live in today.
Secret Garden 1
Secret Garden 2
Secret Garden 7
Secret Garden 13