Spot the Designer - Renata Dragusin/ Romania

What did you want to be when you were a child?

When I was a child I wanted to be many things but most of all I wanted to be a ballerina and to this day I am still fascinated by the grace that a ballerina can convey through the simple yet so sophisticated and fluid movement of the body that makes dance look elegant and so effortless.

When have you started creating jewelry? How did this passion come about?

I was always drawn by design, style and fashion which led me to discover that in the small and simple details is where our personality becomes our signature so that for me jewelry kind of breaks the function and it is that detail that defines your own personality trait. In my search for jewelry to wear myself I felt like something is missing and I cannot find anywhere the jewelry I envision in my mind and from that point on started my journey to create the jewelry that runs in my imagination.

What was your first project or significant piece for you and from what point of view?

My first significant project after completing several courses of jewelry was the “Infinite worlds” collection in which I let myself open to this new world unfolding for me as a jewelry designer with infinite possibilities to express my vision with simple clear lines and curves and sinuosity, all connected by a big sensuality and a refined and elegant style.

How do you charge your batteries? What other passions and creative interests do you have?

I love charging my batteries staying at the sea. The sea has a way to enchanting me, capturing my imagination and also intriguing me with mysteries of the unexplored. The sea is another world separate from ours but intrinsically joined. Whatever mood the sea is in, it never fails to fill me with wonder.

What does the connection between manufacturing tradition and contemporary design mean to you?

I think there must be a link between them because in my opinion contemporary design needs a technical base and the knowledge and understanding of the manufacturing tradition, to be able to be developed in new ideas and innovative design.

Is there a self-portrait piece that speaks most about you?

Jewelry is like an extension of myself so every piece of jewelry that I create speaks about me and I think a self-portrait piece that speak most about me is this ring from my collection “Design Mirror of Life - Result as a Parameter of choice”. The ring speaks about our destiny that in our moments of decision is shaped as a reflection of a choice we have made, as in the design of the ring by simply changing a parameter, a line, it will change completely the ending shape. So… let s all give result to this strong aspect…in life as for the design, maybe we ll change some line and some point in our life and will be better too.

Which material have you not yet used is a temptation and a challenge for you?

I would like exploring and working with ceramics.

How was the pandemic period for you as a jewelry designer?

Pandemic period definitely was not easy for everyone but gave us a chance to slow down a bit our busy running life and maybe think about more in depth of ourselves and our needs and wishes, our passions. For me it was a period in which I perfected my skills and I worked creating new designs for my jewelry.

How do you see the future of contemporary jewelry?

I think contemporary jewelry will be more and more affected by digital technology and will slowly adapt to technological advancements that have revolutionized other sectors too and for sure it presents a whole new exciting way to design.

Find more about the designer Renata Dragusin

Assamblage Association