Spot the Designer - Roberta Pavone/ Italy

What did you want to be when you were a child?

I wanted to become a goldsmith.

When have you started creating jewelry? How did this passion come about?

As a child I used to play market with my grandmother's jewels, open the drawer, take out all the gold and pretend to sell. It has always been a strong attraction. My first piece of jewelry was created when I was 14 at school, a simple silver ring that I still wear on my finger today.

What was your first project or significant piece for you and from what point of view?

Difficult to say, many pieces have marked my path, many stories told through works. It would be like asking a mother what her favorite son is.

How do you charge your batteries? What other passions and creative interests do you have?

I recharge the batteries often, I really need them, travel is definitely my first point, I love cooking, dedicating myself to my family, getting lost in nature and observing it in silence.

What does the connection between manufacturing tradition and contemporary design mean to you?

So much! It is an indivisible bond, having the basics of goldsmithing gives you the keys to open the contemporary.

Is there a self-portrait piece that speaks most about you?

"Amore nero" (Black love): a private, intimate love towards things that are unconventional or recognized by society.

Which material have you not yet used is a temptation and a challenge for you?

Ceramics, a perennial temptation.

How was the pandemic period for you as a jewelry designer?

Bad, creative block, worry, no chance to go to the shop.

How do you see the future of contemporary jewelry?

Like that of contemporary art: many famous people without real content.

Find more about the designer Roberta Pavone

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