Spot the Designer - Sepideh Ghasemi/ Iran

When have you started creating jewelry? How did this passion come about?

Since about sixteen years ago, when I entered the field of sculpture, I got acquainted with various construction methods and materials and gained useful experiences.  For me, contemporary jewelry is the link between sculpture and jewelry making, which I learned in the traditional way.

What was your first project or significant piece for you and from what point of view?

Since a long time ago, I have focused my work on the primitive handicrafts of humans. Because i consider them the objectified from of human thoughts, which contain invaluable information on the method of conception, production, and application of objects. Therefore, my first collection of works has been done on this theme, especially by learning jewelry making and getting to know more about metals, I paid more attention to handmade products of this kind. 

What does the connection between manufacturing tradition and contemporary design mean to you?

I have created works according to traditional and historical objects and also according to the way they are made. The tradition of construction and contemporary design have the possibility to come together and create new meanings. It is the artist's view that can give them the right direction. 

How do you see the future of contemporary jewelry?

Contemporary jewelry has the potential to enter various fields. It can enter the field of fashion, or art object with multiple meanings ,maybe its beauty aspect is prominent and remains a jewel. This is one of the positive characteristics of contemporary jewelry that can provide the ability to create dialogue in different fields. Contemporary jewelry is a powerful medium that gives a lot of possibilities to the artist and her\his audience. 

Find more about the designer Sepideh Ghasemi

Assamblage Association