Spot the Designer - Daniela Copadineanu - Romania

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Vague memories... a doctor, an aviator, a sailor, but what I remember very well is that, when I was little, I was fascinated by my mother's jewelry. We always went to her jewelry box, tried on and carried around the house all the wonderful things there until my mother came home from work. When I was a teenager, I had an acquaintance who was a jeweler and I used to go to him, give gold or silver in exchange and ask him to make me all kinds of fancy jewelry for those times. Then I grew up and became the person who bought a piece of jewelry wherever he went. Others took various souvenirs, I took jewelry. I have always had a special attraction for jewelry.

When have you started creating jewelry? How did this passion come about?

In 2014, I was in London on vacation and I found a small shop covered from top to bottom with precious and semi-precious stones. I went in to buy some stones and when I came out I realized that about 4 hours had passed in which I admired the wonders in the store and talked to the seller about stones and I hadn't bought anything. I went back and bought a lot of beautiful stones. When I got home, I thought it was a shame to keep them locked in a box, and that's when I decided to learn to make jewelry, so I could enjoy them.

What was your first project or significant piece for you and from what point of view?


Each piece created has something special for me, but "The World Inside" was a more special project. It is a piece that encourages thinking, reflection and meditation, to discover the world from within and it is the first piece of a future collection. I created this piece for a very good friend, an extremely talented photographer, and the source of inspiration was one of his photos.

How do you charge your batteries? What other passions and creative interests do you have?

 Visiting flea markets, where, if you have patience and rummage enough, you can find real treasures or at home, by the sea, to feel the fine sand under your feet, to feel the breeze, to smell the sea and with family and dear friends.

What does the connection between manufacturing tradition and contemporary design mean to you?


 I work on my pieces using only hand tools, traditionally. I still cannot deprive myself of the pleasure offered by the manual creation process, but I think that despite the enormous diversity of materials used and the development of new technologies, jewelry has remained remarkably and constantly the oldest form of making art by man.

Is there a self-portrait piece that speaks most about you?


"Medusa" - a silver ring, inspired by the mythological creature, described as hideous, with snakes instead of hair and with the ability to petrify anyone who looks directly into her eyes. The song expresses the way we relate to love, the love you give and not the love you receive. Instead, what you get is only the reflection from Medusa's mirror.

Which material have you not yet used is a temptation and a challenge for you?

There are many materials that I haven't used yet, but the first ones on the list are gold and platinum.

How was the pandemic period for you as a jewelry designer?

As I said above, jewelry is the oldest form of art made by man. Contemporary jewelry is constantly developing and richer in artistic expressions, I just hope it becomes much more visible.

Find more about the designer  Daniela Copadineanu

Assamblage Association