Alexandru Oancea (Romania) - Designer

Ring, silver, topaz, Lapis lazuli.

Ring, silver, topaz, Lapis lazuli.

Untitled design-69.png


Romanian (English below)

Bijuteria are tot timpul din lume pentru ca-l dilata. Atunci cand lucrez nu ma uit la ceas. Si nici ceasul nu se uita la mine, pentru ca nu-l mai port. O sa fac eu o bijuterie care sa spuna ca voi trai vesnic. Nu ma grabesc, dar o s-o fac cu bucurie. Iar daca eu ma bucur, imi doresc sa-i bucur si pe altii atunci cand vor deschide usa.

Jewelry has all the time in the world because it dilates time. When I work, I don’t look at my watch. And my watch doesn’t look at me either because I stopped wearing it. I will create a jewel that will allow me to live forever. I’m taking my time, and I will do it happily. And if I am happy, I hope to give joy to others when it is their turn to open the door.

Ring, silver, feather.

Ring, silver, feather.

Earrings, silver, pearl.

Earrings, silver, pearl.

Ring, silver.

Ring, silver.

Pendant, silver, pearl, leather.

Pendant, silver, pearl, leather.