Mihaela Georgescu (Romania) - Designer
Cuff, polymer clay, silver color metal leaf.
Romanian (English below)
Artist autodidact in majoritatea tehnicilor pe care le folosesc. Am o baza in ceea ce priveste conceptul si tehnicile de baza in crearea de bijuterii in urma unui curs online la NYIAD. Profesor in cadrul Polymer Clay Adventure 2017 si 2020 (o tabara de creatie anuala pe tema argilei polimerice care se desfasoara integral pe Internet). Finalista in mai multe concursuri organizate de Fire Mountain Gems and Beads. Profesor in cadrul Simpozionului de Pasta Polimerica 2020.
I am a self-taught artist for most of the techniques that I use in my work. I have a sound basis in jewelry design and basic techniques for jewelry making as a result of an online distance class on NYIAD platform. I was a Teacher in the Polymer Clay Adventure 2017 and 2020 (a yearly online art retreat). I was a finalist in several jewelry contests organized by Fire Mountain Gems and Beads. Teacher at the Polymer Clay Symposium 2020.
Neck piece, polymer clay, metal, round ball pins.
Ring, polymer clay, metal.
Brooch, polymer clay, metal, round ball pins.