Alina Constantinescu (Romania) - Designer
Ring, bronze, latex.
Discover the designer
Romanian (English below)
Numele meu este Alina Constantinescu si sunt designer de bijuterii. Am studiat si am lucrat in cinematografie, pana cand, intr-o excursie la Istanbul, mi-am descoperit pasiunea pentru bijuterii. In 2017 am participat la expozitia Camera Lucida, un proiect realizat de Asociatia Assamblage. Instalatia de bijuterie contemporana a fost expusa in Bucuresti, Bruxelles si New York. In 2018 am inceput sa-mi construiesc propriul brand, Dot Me Jewelry, ca sa-mi pot spune povestile prin bijuteriile create. In 2019 am fost selectata pentru a participa in cadrul targului de bijuterie contemporana Autor cu colectia Metamorfic.
My name is Alina Constantinescu and I am a jewelry designer. I studied and worked in cinematography, however, on a trip to Istanbul I discovered my passion for jewelry. In 2017 I’ve participated in Camera Lucida exhibition, a project put together by Assamblage Association. The contemporary jewelry installation was exhibited in Bucharest, Bruxelles and New York. In 2018 I started building my brand, Dot Me Jewelry, to tell my stories through my jewelry collections. In 2019 I was selected to participate at Autor Contemporary Jewelry Fair with my Metamorphic Collection.
Ring, silver, synthetic stone.
Ring, bronze.
Ring, synthetic stones.