Andreea-Ileana Popirlan (Romania) - Designer

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Untitled design-69.png

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Romanian (English below)

Cu bijuteriile nu a fost dragoste la prima vedere, ne-am imprietenit pentru ca o perioada lunga de timp am administrat o mica afacere cu bijuterii. Am fost, in schimb, pasionata de istoria artei. Am decis ca imi doream sa fie pentru mine mai mult decat o pasiune si am hotarat sa studiez istoria artei la UNArte. Cred ca „politically correct” ar fi sa spun ca istoria artei m-a cucerit, iar bijuteriile m-au urmarit, pana cand m-au convins ca trebuie sa le acord mai multa atentie. Asa a venit vremea sa scriu o poveste noua, cea a bijuteriilor create de mine.

Working with jewelry was not love at first sight, but we got along since I had been managing a small jewelry business. My true passion has been art and civilization history, and I studied Art History, at UNArte Bucharest. Art History won me over, but daily contact with jewellery made me pay more attention to the meaning, origins and aesthetics of wearable ornaments. This is how I began a new story, the story of my jewelry collection.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.

Earrings, silver, enamel.