Diana Pantea (Romania) - Designer
Ring, silver, shibuichi.
Romanian (English below)
Lucrarile ei au fost alese in 2016 de Galeria Marzee pentru a fi expuse in cadrul expozitiei anuale a absolventilor scolilor de bijuterie contemporana din toata lumea. Din primavara 2017, Diana Pantea s-a intors la Assamblage, de aceasta data in calitate de Teaching Assistant la Workshop-ul de Articulatii si sisteme de inchidere. In prezent lucreaza la dezvoltarea proiectelor artistice de bijuterie contemporana si aprofundarea istoriei bijuteriei.
Her works have been displayed in 2016 at the Marzee Gallery, during the annual exhibit of graduates from worldwide contemporary jewelry schools. In spring 2017, Diana Pantea went back to Assamblage, this time filling the role of Teaching Assistant in the joints and locking mechanisms workshop. Presently she’s working on the development of contemporary jewelry artistic projects and also researching the history of jewelry.
Necklace, copper, silver, shibuichi, thread.