Monica Wickström (Finland) - Designer
Ring, elk dropping, shellac, silver, gold.
Romanian (English below)
Imi place sa lucrez pe mai multe niveluri artistice, manual si design. Imbin materiale cu un continut conceptual, in special din viata de zi cu zi. Colectionez aproape orice, gunoaie, chestii irosite, dar si obiecte din natura, indeosebi pietre, scoici si bucati de lemn. Pentru mine, forma, starea si culoarea sunt importante, asa ca de multe ori un obiect trebuie sa astepte ceva timp momentul potrivit, pentru a fi explorat si dezvoltat, intrucat imi doresc sa existe un mesaj si o poveste in piesele mele. O bijuterie care atinge trupul si intalneste sufletul, iti schimba gandirea. Acesta e scopul creatiei mele.
I like to work on different levels of art, handicraft and design. I mix materials with a conceptual content, especially from the everyday life. I am a helpless collector of almost everything, trash and wasted things but also material from the nature, especially stones, shells and pieces of wood. The shape, condition and color are significant and therefore a thing must very often wait for the right moment to be explored and developed because I want to have a message or a story in my jewelry.
A piece of jewelry touching the body and meeting the soul affects the thought.
That’s my goal, in my work.
Ring, eggshell, silver, coin, epoxy “Liquid Steel”, gold leaf.
Bracelet, ring, wine cup, silver, gold, plastic.
Bracelet, ring, wine cup, silver, plastic.
Copyright Sandra Kantanen / Pro Artibus
Bracelet, ring, wine cup, silver, plastic.
Copyright Sandra Kantanen / Pro Artibus