Doina Bacalu (Romania) - Designer
Brooch, copper, patina, goose down feather.
Romanian (English below)
Femeie, deci neom. Matura, deci nu tanara. Nu prea frumoasa, dar nici prea urata. Cu simtul umorului, deci supravietuitoare. Altfel cam ratacita. Cu studii medicale superioare, nu chiar degeaba facute, pentru ca ma ajuta sa tratez guturaiul in familie. Mester mare de mica, dar si iubitoare de pictura si dans. De unde si trilema, ce m-oi face cind o-i fi mare. Trilema, pe care incerc sa o rezolv, acum, la aproape 10 ani de cand l-am intalnit pe David ascuns intr-un colt al Salii Dalles cu ciocanele si pilele dupa el. Norocoasa intalnire. De atunci invat, incerc, ma opresc, iar mai invat, incerc si iar ma opresc. Totul este o mare bucurie, mai putin cand ma opresc.
Woman, so not human. Mature, so not young. Not too beautiful, but not too ugly. With a sense of humor so a survivor. Otherwise a little lost. With higher medical education, not really for nothing because it helps me treat the common cold in my family. Great craftsman since young, but also fond of painting and dancing. Therefore, the trilemma: what would I be when I grow older? A trilemma that I am trying to solve now, when it’s almost 10 years since I’ve met David hidden in a corner of Dalles Gallery, tinkering with his hammers and files. It was lucky meeting him. Since then I learn, I try, I stop and I learn, I try and I stop again. Everything is a great joy, but not so much when I stop.
Brooch, copper, patina.
Ring, silver.
Ring, silver, topaz, turquoise.
Pendant, silver, copper, brass, labradorite.