Iulia Cranganu (Romania) - Designer
Ring, silver, raw amethyst.
Romanian (English below)
Urmaresc sa redau materialitatea foliei de aluminiu mototolite, prin gesturi firesti, asemanatoare celor ale unui copil ce se joaca si isi face bijuterii din folia de la ciocolata. De asemenea, folia de aluminiu este o metafora pentru momentele greu de depasit din viata, care ne “mototolesc”, ne fac sa renuntam la orice dorinta de a continua, insa prin tehnica potrivita ea poate deveni o bijuterie.
I aim to imitate the crumpled tinfoil material, through natural gestures, similar to those of a child playing, and making jewelry out of chocolate tinfoil wrapper. Moreover, tinfoil is a metaphor for life’s hardships, which “crumple” us, make us wish to give up on any hope of going on, but, through the right technique, it can become a piece of jewelry.
Necklace, silver, raw amethyst.
Earrings, silver.
Pendant, silver.
Necklace, silver, copper.