Flavia Gheorghian (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
Interesul meu pentru desen si lucru manual, manifestat inca din copilarie, a prins contur in timpul studiilor la Universitatea de Arta si Design din Cluj Napoca, sectia Design. In aceasta perioada am studiat 1 an in Belgia si unul in Spania; m-am concentrat pe ilustratie, pictura si bijuterie. Primii pasi in arta bijuteriei i-am facut in cadrul a 4 cursuri la Assamblage. M-am descoperit: am primit bazele teoretice, am capatat curaj si pasiune crescanda pentru acest domeniu minunat.
My interest for drawing and handcrafting came to life in my childhood and has began to take shape during my studies at Art and Design University, in Cluj Napoca. Meanwhile I have also studied for 2 years abroad, in Belgium and Spain, where I focused mostly on illustration, painting and jewelry. I have taken my first steps in the art of jewelry at Assamblage. That’s where I’ve discovered myself, I received my theoretical knowledge, I’ve gained courage and a growing passion for this wonderful art form.