Irina Dimiu (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
Desi am studiat arte, am renuntat sa mai lucrez in teatru si, in 1990, am devenit ziarista, in speranta de a fi parte a schimbarii, de a contribui la implementarea democratiei. Insa ca jurnalist eram in contact mai cu seama cu aspectele urate ale vietii, aa ca am simtit nevoia de a ma intoarce la arta. Nu am revenit la teatru, ci am ales bijuteria.
Although I went to Art school, in 1990, I’ve cut short my theater career and I became a journalist, hoping to be part of the change, to contribute to the new democracy I found myself in. However, I realized that being a journalist means to deal with some of the more uglier sides of life, so I felt the need to come back to art. This time it wasn’t theater, this time I chose jewelry.