Gabriela Mihalache (Romania) - Designer
Ring, silver.
Romanian (English below)
Fiind o persoana pragmatica, pentru cativa ani am avut de-a face cu jurnalismul, iar apoi inca ceva ani m-am ocupat de design interior. Ulterior, mi-am gasit echilibrul in fascinanta lume a design-ului de bijuterii. Acolo mi-am gasit pacea interioara, iar calatoria m-a purtat pe un taram emotional, care m-a facut sa descopar ca nu existe limite. Astazi, ma exprim prin metal, prin flacara, prin stralucirea pietrelor, prin forma si culoare - cel mai potrivit mijloc de comunicare pentru mine. Asadar, cel mai important este ca piesele mele vorbesc pentru mine si de la sine, fara a fi nevoie de cuvinte.
My pragmatic history led my steps for a few years through journalism, then some years through interior design, in order to settle later in the fascinating world of jewelry design, balancing me out. It’s where I found peace. From there on I was able to fly to infinity, as the journey moved on to an emotional realm. Today, I express myself through metal, through flame, through the stone's brilliance, through shape and color, the perfectly suitable way of communication for me. Therefore and the most important, my creations speak for me and by themselves, without a need for words.
Necklace, silver.
Necklace, silver.
Ring, silver.