Alexandra Ungurelu (Romania) - Designer
Brooch, silver, acrylic.
Romanian (English below)
Atentia pentru detaliu este o prima caracteristica a lucrarilor Alexandrei Ungurelu, urmata de transpunerea influentelor zilnice, fie arhitectura orasului sau texturile regasite in natura, geometria rezultata este importanta si clara in bijuteria creata. In procesul creativ transpune atat emotie cit si un mesaj: orice piesa creata de ea este una care reprezinta mai mult decat alaturarea metalului si a pietrelor pretioase, este un simbol, facut sa parcurga timp si spatiu.
Alexandra Ungurelu’s attention to detail is one of the main characteristics of her work, followed by the transposition of everyday influences, be it the city’s architecture or the textures found in nature, the resulting geometry is important and clear in her jewelry. The creative process transmits emotion as well as a message: every piece created by her is one meant to represent more than the joining of metal and precious stones, it is a symbol, made to travel both time and space.
Ring, silver, topaz.
Earrings, silver, rose pearls.
Ring, silver, tourmaline.