Lidia Puica (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
In 2009 Lidia Puica a absolvit Universitatea de Arte si Design din Iasi cu specializare in Design Ambiental, dupa care a urmat Masteratul la Universitatea de Arta si Design din Cluj-Napoca, unde a explorat bijuteria contemporana. Dupa absolvire, in 2011, s-a dedicat bijuteriei create din materiale neconventionale, in special celor crosetate. Lidia creeaza piese statement cu inspiratie organica folosind tehnica libera in croset, explorand formele si volumele. In felul acesta, bijuteriile obtin statutul unor obiecte de arta, fiind asociate cu niste sculpturi crosetate.
In 2009, Lidia Puica graduated from the Univestity of Arts and Design in Iasi with specialization in Environmental Design. Afterwards, she completed a Master at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, exploring the contemporary jewelry. Since graduation, in 2011, she became devoted to jewelry made out of unconventional materials, especially those used for crocheting. Lidia creates statement pieces with organic inspiration, using free technique in crochet, exploring shapes and volumes. In this way, the jewelry gets the value of an art object, being associated with crocheted sculptures.